ikemonn's blog



SRM 647 Div2 250 PeacefulLine

問題文 TopCoder Statistics - Problem Statement 書いた class PeacefulLine: def makeLine(self, x): counter = collections.Counter(x) count_arr = [] for word, cnt in counter.most_common(): count_arr.append(cnt) is_continue = True while is_cont…

SRM 642 Div2 250 ForgetfulAddition

問題文 https://apps.topcoder.com/wiki/display/tc/SRM+642 書いた class ForgetfulAddition: def minNumber(self, expression): num = str(expression) res = 0 for i in xrange(1, len(num)): sum_num = int(num[:i]) + int(num[i:]) if res == 0: res = …

SRM 639 Div2 250 ElectronicPetEasy

問題文 https://apps.topcoder.com/wiki/display/tc/SRM+639 書いた class ElectronicPetEasy: def isDifficult(self, st1, p1, t1, st2, p2, t2): first = [] for i in xrange(t1): first.append(st1+(p1*i)) second = [] for i in xrange(t2): second.appe…

SRM 638 Div2 250 NamingConvention

問題文 https://community.topcoder.com/stat?c=problem_statement&pm=13521 書いた class NamingConvention: def toCamelCase(self, variableName): while variableName.count('_') > 0: replace_char_index = variableName.index('_') variableName = vari…

SRM 636 Div2 250 GameOfStones

問題文 Limak has found a large field with some piles of stones. Limak likes perfection. It would make him happy if every pile had the same number of stones. He is now going to move some stones between the piles to make them all equal. Howe…

SRM 635 div2 250 IdentifyingWood

Problem Statement We call a pair of Strings (s, t) "wood" if t is contained in s as a subsequence. (See Notes for a formal definition.) Given Strings s and t, return the String "Yep, it's wood." (quotes for clarity) if the pair (s, t) is w…